Monday, December 05, 2005

Jester Till

These are the first drawings that I did for the character of Till from "Till Eulenspiegel".
They liked the one on the right but they wanted him less skinnier.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Nice! Ill tell you what else I think of them in your room.

  2. Jooooooooder BEUTIFUL your art is very soft and lovely.

    Modigliani drawings are amaizing y estoy hasta los huevos de tener q expresar lo q siento en Ingles.

  3. o_O JooOOOoooder diría yo. This is is is... beautiful, pretty, wonderful... uf!
    Una película de animación con este estilo YA!

  4. nice! Your drawings are so loose. too bad the final design didn't look more like this.
    It would have been nice to have met you- Maurizio was the only one still there, and then he too left leaving us hacks to make a shameful picture.

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    damn, you rock gabriele!

  6. Ciao! Ho visto il commento che hai lasciato ai miei disegni e sono andato subito nel tuo blog.... Devo dire che anche tu non scherzi... Complimenti! Ma sei italiano? Da quel che ho capito vivi e lavori a Los Angeles... Vorrei sapere qualcosa di più sul tuo lavoro, se ti va fatti vivo! Ancora bravo e grazie di cuore! Paolo

  7. Ey Gabriele!
    After Simbad ,when you went to Dreamworks ,I worked in some animation scenes for this.
    I saw lots of your designs and drawings, they were so great.

  8. Nice stuff!!



  9. Arri- Thanks for your comments. After I posted this drawing I found on my door, next to my name, a little post-it with a nice drawing done with the Modigliani style. Isn't it nice?

    Boris- I left Munich after I finished my short. But I did animate one scene on "Till".

    Paolo- Si, sono italiano. Ho vissuto per molti anni a Milano dove lavoravo nel campo del fumetto. Ho disegnato molti "Diabolik" e diversi specials di "Dylan Dog". Ora lavoro nel campo dell'animazione qui a Los Angeles.
