Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Three Pigs

We had this board here in the studio that was left blank for I don't know how long.
So, one day I did a little pig on the corner of it. The next day Andrea did a little pig and the day after Jakob did one too.
After three weeks the board was full of pigs.
We took this picture and then we realized that in the middle of all these pigs there was a bar tender. Now the question here is: who is the artist behind the mysterious bar tender?
The Three Pigs are (from left to right): me, Andrea Simonti and Jakob Jensen.


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Great pic Gabriele. I know who the mysterious artist is but I wont tell you, or any other pig for that matter. ha! Awesome pigs.

  2. One question....should you be working?

    Love the pigs...and I don't think it's a bar tender...I think it's Luis...he's a little sneaky bugger.

  3. Yeah one morning I came in to work walking down the Flushed Away hall towards the kitchen for my morning tea, still hiding under my sunglasses...then in my grogginess, looked up at a marker board full of pigs.
    They were awesome! I've been wondering who drew them.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    i have the information that you are looking for. meet me at the spot in one hour... and come alone.

  5. WEEEEELLLLLL WHO WAS IT ??? jeez people keep leaving mysteries on blogs and not giving the answers !!!! i just want a name , even if i've never heard of the person before !
    nice drawings by the way - and sargent is the best . ...and thanks to mieglo's blog that i found you .

  6. Just found your blog via Boris Hiestand's. TERRIFIC drawings on here. Great to see old-school style animation drawings - your sketches have tremendous fluidity. Are you animating at Dreamworks or designing?

  7. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Finalmente, e da tempo che morivo dalla voglia di vedere i tuoi sketch. Sono stupendi, come sempre!! Grazie di cuore per l'inspirazione! E non vedo l'ora di vederne di piu.

  8. From link to link... I got here. You've got great work. I especially like your Marvin guy, so much style!

  9. your blog rocks, i'm a very big fan of your style...terrific....keep posting!!!

  10. Hey Gabriele! ed here from the Sinbad crew in London. How are you doing? - great to see your blog, just found it via Boris. Looking forward to more posts, and love the work so far! Cheers, ed

  11. Dean- I'm sorry for the "mystery".
    Matt- At the moment I'm animating. Some time ago I did some design for "Flushed Away" and "Bee".
    Yaprak- E' bello risentirti.
    Julien- I like your drawings too. They remind me Tony Fucile's design. Bravo!
    Ed- Nice to hear from you. Thanks again for your work on my Sinbad's scenes.

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Oh the piggies in the hallway! These people are part of my lovely family of flushees. Big hugs to Gabriele.

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hello Gabriele,
    complimenti per il tuo talento.
    Ho visitato con interesse il tuo sito.
    Noi ci conosciamo anche se è da tanto tempo che non ci vediamo piu'. Questa tua foto mi è familiare....
    In bocca al lupo per il tuo lavoro.
    Ciao Serenella Pennacchioli!!!
