Monday, March 13, 2006

Man-Snake and Knight


  1. as everybody can see you don´t need thousands of lines and details to make a wonderful drawing.
    amazing simplicity!
    always remind me the great alex toth.

  2. I like it it when an artist finds themselves a style as definitve as your...

    Nice work :)


  3. I like the pose of the knight. Great attitude Gabriele

  4. I...I think I love you. :)

  5. Jesus- I don't think that is the number of lines that makes a drawing a good drawing.
    Think of Moebius. He is a master of simplicity but he can also loose himself in super rendered drawings.

    Mark- Thanks, but I hope that my style is not "definitive". I like to learn and try new things all the time.

    Bobby- I'm glad you liked it.

    Kelsey- I love you too.

  6. cool! i'm glad my tail inspires you like that, gabriele!

  7. gabriele, you´re right about moebius but the thing is the difference about art and technic. he doesn´t need to use that technic to make that drawings works. he can make it with watercolor, pencils ink or what ever. the result is always great.
    in your drawings you can also add thousands of details and making it better but they works perfectly as they are now.
    that was what i meant to say. anyway, moebius is not from this world...¿?

  8. Well said gabriele! good work is good work!!

  9. Gabriele.
    Every time I check your blog has 4 or 5 new amazing stuff.
    In this oction Cat People and this Snake man are astonishing.

  10. Love the sincerity in your work. Amazing skills!

    I'm am now a fan of yours.

  11. haven't been here for a while- your new posts are amazing- great drwings as usual! But what the hell is the orangy/brownie background color on all of your recent posts? is it the color of some type of amzazing sort of paper? or do you digitally put it behind your work for unity and softness purposes? love it all

  12. Boris- All my drawings are done on white paper.
    Then I copy them on a colored brown copy machine paper.
    After that I add the white color using a normal white pencil.
    The reason I started to use the color paper (I also used light blue paper) is basically because it gives me a middle tone for free.

  13. ups late again :( busy, Cool post Gabriele :). your Knight is very cool!!!

  14. Simple designs. I live it. All of your posted designs are fantastic, I like your style.
