Wednesday, March 01, 2006



  1. Gabriele, this is a great one. I love scenes that are so full of emotion that you want to hear the rest of the story. Your work is inspirational.

  2. Gabriel, another great piece! I especially love the hore that's walking away into the bg. The head turn is great.

  3. Beautiful Gabriele :). The unicorn has a very funny expression

  4. that's quite a big horn gabriele. i wonder what it means...

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Wowweew owowowow ! Beautiful. I think the conversation before this picture between the white horse and the unicorn king went something like... "Im gonna make it big in hollywood. They want me to play a mystical white horse in some trilogy called "Lord of the Flies" or something like that." to which the Unicorn King replies, "You remember the horrible experience I had working with Tom Cruise on "Legend" dont you?"

    I cant wait for your book to come out. Itll be nice to see all the pieces you've done in paperback form. Write me down as the first customer. ;)

  6. Dominating male...

    No doubt about that.

  7. beautiful elegant!!

  8. I like the two standing there in the background, jealous of the one dude's enormous... um... horn.


    I really like this series you're doing.

  9. your work is top knotch man..I am grateful for your comments on my blog, where do you work?

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Gabriele, you never told me you drew unicorns! It's beautiful, I love it. All your art is wonderful, but I especially love all the ones with mythical creatures. What book? I want to buy one!
