Monday, May 15, 2006

Minotaur and Pterodactylus


  1. Awesome! You've got a priceless collection of tales here. I love the world you're creating.

  2. Coolness, I like the idea of having the mino in the shadow of the dino :)

    Very cool fantasy world you're creating and populating :)

  3. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I like where this is going... glad you've decided to venture into the dark... not too much though, just enough to spice things up.

    Btw, what's the young centaur's name?


  4. Aaawww MAN! Gabriele,your characterization,posing,layout...eveverything looks flawless!!! How do u do it? I'm so jealous,you make it all look so easy. XP Luv it luv it luv it!

  5. another winner!!

  6. COOLIO!! THE Minotaur is sooo CUTE!

  7. che belli mostriciattoli mostriciattolosi, invidia *.*
    un giorno ti ruberò l'animo artistico
    preparati dunque alla mia venuta
    non avrai scampo

  8. Thanks guys.

    aiphos- Thanks and welcome.

    doron meir- I love shadows. Shadows can be a great storytelling tool. I learnt that watching black and white movies (especially the Michael Curtiz ones) and lots of comic books.

    sandra- I think it comes from my comic books experience and of course from a lot of practice as well.

    scarecrow- Ora che mi hai avvisato mi preparero' come si deve.

  9. The silhouette in this is AWESOME. I really, really like how you can take these figures that are three dimensional, that take up space, and make them totally eye-catching shapes, yet insanely simple (the pterodactyl here).

  10. Loooook Ooooutt! Awesome Gabriele!!I love these action poses of yours.These guys just come to life right in front of me!

  11. ciao Gabriele!
    mi rabbia per la padronanza della composizione e della anatomia stilizzata!!!

    good stuff!

  12. This piece is really beautiful full of life, the Minotaur face is great hehehe :)

  13. sweet poses and great shading.

  14. my faavourite little minotaur is back! and fighting pterodactyls no less. great pic Gabriele

  15. Don Gabri, you have to tell us who wins this fight! I'm curious!

  16. I hate you a lot!!..Bwhaaaa !!
    How can you make a living draws?

    Now i'm gonna rest in my bed....

  17. allora lavora, su su?
    che lo sforzo sia con te sisi
    dai ti auguro un buon lavoro :)
    io forse vado a letto...quando avrò finito di discutere...mi viene da piangere...e da spaccare ferocemente la mia testa contro il credo che con la rabbia che ho se ci provo entro direttamente in bagno...già..

  18. azz , questo blog è bellissimo, i disegni stupendi...
    complimenti sei un artista con uno stile personalissimo...
    beato tu !!!
    io mi sto sforzando di riuscire a cambiare tratto e segno, di migliorare e di creare non dico proprio uno stile personale, ma almeno qualcosa che si ahimè senza troppi risulatati...

    in bocca al lupo


  19. Once again, I love the minotaur stuff. Yes, there must be a great story here. Several, at least.

  20. Hey Gabriele you art is great!
    I´m Leonardo Batic, from Argentina. i´ve been working for Disney and Warner since 1995 (in books and comics) and writer of my own novels since 2000 (all about elves and faeries from my country) Your art make me remember a friend, Carlos Meglia,
    a little bit (please take this as my bes compliment) I can see in the expression of your line artists like Blake, Bluth and the seven dwarves.


    You are going to reach the sky, no doubt!

  21. I really love the characters you have here, very story book any childrens books?

  22. i love this little horned fella is an awsome character. i found ur character designs were rather helpful for helping me to form some charicters of my own. especaily for my graduation film i have just completed.
