Monday, July 03, 2006

Minotaur, Medusa and Spider Woman


  1. wowww Gabriele this update is gorgeous . I hope you dont feel Im bother you with my continue visit to your blog, but I really love your blog is very inspirational,this images is superb a history with life, really beautiful update :)

  2. Wow! The Minotaur is NOT playing around!

  3. Fantastic composition, I hope someday I'll get some of your OFICIO.. es una auténtica delícia.

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Dinamicissima questa scena. Davvero superba Medusa.

  5. Hello, great drawings. I was wondering about the technique and the tools you use. Please, let me know.
    Thanks a lot.

  6. All of these pieces are outstanding.

    I'm sure it has been said many times before but you should really make a book out of them.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful drawings.

  7. Great scene, somehow i'm not creeped out by the look of the spider woman, she's somewhat cute... I have trouble looking at spiders.

  8. I love your art! Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you don't mind me linking your blog on my list of inspirational art blogs. Also if you decide to compile your art, like tom suggests, please let us know!

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    amzaing work !


  10. oddio...ancora con i ragni....q

  11. Thanks guys.

    virginiajoe- You don't bother me at all. Please feel free to leave as many comments as you like.

    travis- He is not, as you'll find out in the next post.

    siemprevivo- Usually I do a rough drawing with a red pencil, then I go over it with a normal pencil (4b/5b).
    After that I erase (partially) the drawing with a kneaded rubber.
    I do the shadows and tones with some markers (copic) and I "ink" it with a thin black marker for the outlines and a thick one for the background. You can see a "work in progress" in my Character Design interview.

    mt- Thanks. Despite the notorious fame that spiders have the spider woman is actually a good character.

    sketch-mark- Thanks you're welcome.

    y.- Thanks for the link the picture is very cute.

    scarecrow- Scusa, scusa ma e' la storia che lo richiede. Visto che a te piacciono i panda spero ti fara' piacere sapere che stiamo facendo un film che s'intitola "Kung-fu Panda".

  12. Gabriele...You are by far one of my favorite artists. I love this series that you are doing! Great work as always:)

  13. beautiful web pattern!! Awesomw spider!

  14. Amanzing world, Gabriele. I follow your
    work everyday. Congratulations.

  15. Hi Gabriele,

    Very nice artwork, I like the colors, the shadows!

    Really very good.

    my best

  16. Good lord. Gabriele your staging is soooo good. Man alive.
    Please put a book out.
    Thanks for posting these.
    Congrats on the cd interview.
