Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Twin (digital)

Here is my first full digital drawing.
It has been done with a tablet pc drawing directly on the screen.


  1. Looks good! What do you prefer? I've become obsessed with directly to screen lately.

  2. Ciao Gabriele, complimenti per i lavori!
    Senza fare pubblicità, ma hai usato una wacom cintiq 21ux?
    Ho sentito dire che lì in america è diventata un sostituto del foglio di lavoro per gli animatori, puoi dirmi qualcosa al riguardo? è veramente così duttile il passagio dalla carta allo schermo?
    buona giornata

  3. great job!For me is very hard to refuse the traditional pencil, but you are making a great job there.

  4. Thanks guys.

    jarrett- I still draw in pencil a lot but I'm getting a kick out of drawing on the screen.

    silvio- Si ho provato la cintiq. Qui in studio sono in molti ad usarla specialmente nello storyboard e nello sviluppo visivo.

    toni reyna- It is always hard to change ours habits but I tried and I liked it.

  5. real good exercise.
    no matter the tecnique you´ve got art enough for anything.
    i´m curious for trying one of that.

  6. Do you notice any delay ? Are you able to replicate the textures you desire ?

  7. Love his gesture!! Beautiful!

  8. I wish I had a drawing tablet that allowed me to draw directly on the screen... still wouldn't come out looking this nice. Really great sketch! Looks like you've figured out the new method already.

  9. Looks good! Of course, it always comes down to the artist's eye and perhaps a bit of the spirit. If you find an enthusiasm for this tool it can become second nature.

    All your works are inspiring-- really dig the Dylan Dog pages!

  10. Anonymous5:04 AM


    Come stai? Superattivamentebravo come al solito, a quanto vedo.
    Bene, bene.
    Un Salutone grande!

    Anna ^_^

  11. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Ciao Gabriele,
    seguo il tuo blog da un po'.
    E' bello vedere, ogni volta che aggiorni, queste meraviglie, una più bella dell'altra.
    Ciao e complimenti davvero.

  12. Anonymous12:21 PM

    the screen tablet is a fantastic tool .

  13. where is the différence? o_o

    pretty good as usual

    do you feel the power of the screen tablet? ^^

    your manner of coloring is identical,I'll have been mistaken if were not to specify.

  14. Gabri, what can I say? This looks great but please don't abandon the pencil!!! Ciao!

  15. looks really great..
    makes me wonder!
    i still can't get used to wacom or any tablets !..never tried cintique..but thout of buying one of those tablet labtops where you can draw right on the screen :)..
    still thinking!

  16. it is really sweet!
    Tablet PC's rock, except for the annoying lag.

    It is still fun.



  17. that's hot gabriele.

  18. Excellent first straight to screen drawing - my first attempt looked like I'd used my knee.

    Great artwork, love the characters.
