Sunday, April 15, 2007

A New Enemy


  1. Wow, fantastic! Great to see this character in action again, the villain is sweet too.

    Any news on the possible book you were hoping to have for San Diego Comic Con??

  2. I feel a swell of pity for the little guy. He looks worn out from battle. I love how the vapour has a icy appearence near the evil guys tail. Cool!!

  3. Awesome, it's great seeing this guy! :)
    The new villain looks plenty dangerous, and attractive...

  4. Incredible piece! Great composition.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I am SO hoping this is the start of another series!!

  6. Thanks guys.

    tom- Unfortunately we didn't get a booth for the Comic Con. So, the idea of a book is on hold for the moment.

    jarrett- Never underestimate the "little guys".

    mike thomas- The villains that I like must be powerful, dangerous and attractive.

    joe jusko- Another series with the minotaur? I don't know, let me think about it.

  7. Great work, Maestro! I love the minotaur's pose:) Ciao!

  8. Holy Crap...

    You're my Super Hero!!!!!!!

    ^ ^


  9. You have a flawless sense of action, form and composition. I said just what Joshua did when your page opened -- holy crap! It's too bad I have a job with a tight deadline or I'd spend all day here. I'll come back, and when I do, I'll follow your links as well.

  10. The last Minotaur series was amazing - any plans for Kamuc? Is he ever going to escape from prison planet?

  11. I can't stopping thinking about how friggin' briliant you are sir!!!

  12. Thanks guys and welcome to the new bloggers.

    Chris Chua- I'm glad you like the Minotaur's pose. I tried many versions before finding this one.

    joshua james- Thanks. I've never been anybody superhero before this is a first for me.

    skylark-If I had a bit more time I would love to work on a new Kamuc story.

  13. Anonymous3:48 AM

    We like yours pictures!
    We are tree young animators, and we will want to make you see our film of diploma "Wives'supermarket".

    Thanks and sorry for our english

  14. I sure do love these drawings. Your sense of design along with the simplified rendering style really makes them sing, beautiful, beautiful stuff.

  15. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I think you are superhero of many girls too ;),only is kind shy said that ;).

  16. hehe I'm a girl, and your work is really inspiring to me.
    I really love the stories you create. Especially the one with the minitaur and the horses below.
    I look forward to new to stuff!

  17. buffff, great poses¡¡ beautiful draw,.

