Monday, July 30, 2007

Thanks Guys!

Thanks to all the people that come by to see me at the Comic Con.
It has been a great experience!

From left: Morgan, Scott, Jakob and me.


  1. awesome meeting you and thanks for the little sketch!

  2. I love your book. Your art is very inspirational to me. Can't wait till next year!

  3. Hi, it was nice to meet you at the comic-con. Your artwork is awesome.

  4. Really cool lion!! I love the expression!

  5. your blog is incredible! WOW. i am very very very inspired. thank you for that.

  6. Gabriele- It was lovely to meet you at Comic-con. I quite enjoyed our chat about the Italian sky line. And, as Kyle is hogging your Animal Blog book all to himself, I'm now wishing I'd purchased my own copy. Perhaps I can special order one? :)

  7. I'm so sad I couldn't make it this year. It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  8. Gabriele you are the most eloquent person I think I have ever met. I was so happy to meet you at comicon. Your artwork is wonderful!

  9. amazing drawings! amazing blog!! :O

  10. Even though I find you threatening, you're a cool guy! Had a great time meeting you and stay away from my girl!

  11. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Thanks for the drawing in the sketchbook Gabriele, I love eeeeet. :D

  12. Hahaha...I see that Kyle has been blogging today, as well. (He's craaaazy! Don't listen to a thing he says. :) It's great to see what a fantastic response everyone is getting from showing their art at Comic-con. Your booth was my absolute favorite. What a wonderful group of artists - and such characters, too! I can't wait to see what you all come up with next year. And hopefully your sales pitch will be just as entertaining. Best wishes...

  13. Beautiful book Gabriele. It was one of my favorites.

  14. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Congratulation, Gabri. Where can I get the book?

  15. It was nice meeting you and picking up your sketchbook! GREAT WORK!

  16. I heard the weekend was insane! Hope you didn't run out of books(for my sake, of course). : )

  17. It was a great event, you nailed so good.

  18. Great blog! This is generally a wonderful website i should say, I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. Thanks for sharing this fabulous stuff.
