Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Croods 01

I had the opportunity to work on "The Croods" as storyartist, animator and anatomy consultant.
Here is a panel from an early version of the movie. At that time the Croods were living in a much bigger cave with their tribe.
The white rectangles are the guide for the camera movement. It should be read from left to right. Here and there bits of comedy.
A lot of work for just a "panel":)


  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

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  2. Mmm... a little bit weird and suspect the message from above:S
    Anyway, Grazie Gabriele for your new little piece of gold!
    I can´t wait to see The Croods movie.
    It looks great!

    And please, keep on posting these little gifts!

  3. Beautiful drawing!
