Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Lady Godiva


Unknown said...

beautiful illos!!

Anonymous said...

I love this one. Look ... im the 4th pair of eyes from the left.

Brandon Vietti said...

Beautiful! I especially like the horse's expression. And, as always, you make it look so easy!

A. Riabovitchev said...

It is spring! Has already become warmer !

Kelsey said...

WOW! That's awesome!

At first I thought they were butterfly's.

How fast are you doing these? Do you work on the design for a bit or just let it flow?

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Thanks guys.

Kelsey- These kind of drawings usually take me 5 minutes for the pencil and 10/15 minutes to ink them. The size of them is pretty small. Lady Godiva is about 10 for 10 centimeters.
Usually I make the design up at the moment.

willipino said...

i like.
looks like the horse likes it, too.

PEPE said...

Funny stuff!! Great attitude on the horse..... man that tail.... totally appealing girl... i dare you to DRAW SOMETHING BAD!!!HEHEHEE

Anonymous said...

a little risque, a little funny, a just a tad sweet... didn't know you had it in ya Gabriele, but then again i sort of did =)

chris chua said...

love it...but I think you need to do one of Batman flying over Gotham...Hmm......

Doron Meir said...

Very nice, lots of sexiness with a few well put lines.

Boris Hiestand said...

I want to be the horse!
I hear you used to draw a lot more explicit than this as well;) THAT I'd like to see!
at the 'eurovsion art challenge' the topic a while back was lady Godiva- check it out here:

Matt Jones said...

Yeah, great Godiva - would've been a winner in our Euro Art challenge - said...

Wowww Gabriele is a great work :)!!!!!I love your lady

Martin Wittig said...

Elegant and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Bello e molto sexy la donna sul cavallo ma in particolare mi piace la facccia del cavallo piuttosto annoiata e disgustata :D

Anonymous said...

Nice altered copy of a Heinrich Kley ink.