Thursday, August 31, 2006

See you in October

The last three weeks I have been very busy finishing the animation on "Flushed Away".
I'll be on vacation for a month, but I'll be back with more "Kamuc" drawings in October.

Meanwhile have a look at Jakob Jensen's new Blog.


Martin Wittig said...

G--Have a great vacation! Can't wait to see the new posts!:)

Jakob Jensen said...

Gabri, have a great time off! And thank you again for linking me and for all your help setting up my blog!

Anonymous said...

Have a great holidays Gabriele. I will wait for who is the shadows in Kamuc story :) .

willipino said...

what am i gonna do until october???
have a great vacation! see you when you get back.

craig said...

Have a great time, and thanks for introducing me to another great blog.

Jarrett said...

Have a nice vacation! I can't wait to see some new postings from you... no pressure of course. Do have a good vacation, but post more drawings!:)

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Thanks guys!

Milenko said...

Have a nice vacation, looking forward to more stuff,



Insertname said...

ciao gabri,

have a nice time. it's nice over here in europe. your country was great to me...especially umbria and como! switzerland is still better, though!
i'm in paris now. looking forward to kamuc's return!


Fabio Lai said...

Questa tua assenza non fa che far levitare la suspence su questo progetto.
Sono curioso di vedere come prosegue la storia di Kamuc ;)

Anonymous said...

Hola desde Mexico Gabriele!

Estoy visitando a mis papas y decidi visitar tu pagina. Estoy esperando tus nuevas ilustaraciones, pero bueno, por lo pronto espero que estes disfrutando tus vacaciones. ciao.

Hans said...

Have a great vacation:)

Anonymous said...

visto!sono venuta a trovarti come ti avevo detto.COMPLIMENTI!!!è da un secolo che non vedo più un tuo disegno e vedo con piacere che hai mantenuto tanta fantasia e un grande talento.

un "orgoglioso" saluto da Simona (tua cugina)

David Colman said...

congrats on finishing that flick......good luck, looks great!

Grant said...

It's officially October. Haha! Let's see some more Kamuc.

Kei Acedera said...

your sketches are too cool..have a great break!

Antonio Santamaria said...

So... I hope (maybe too late) you have a great break too... I will hoping your back waiting you bring us more incredible art!!!! Kamuc is just fantastic!

Insertname said...

yo gabri. i heard you're back. wanna go have dinner and draw?


Anonymous said...

Ciao !!!
Ce l'hai fatta a prendere l'aereo?!!! ;P
Isa ci ha informati sulla "disfunzione aerea" (ah ah ) che hai subito.

Come promesso ti mando il link, da cui mi firmo, del blog di mio fratello Marco e del suo gruppo stupido.
E' spassoso !


isabella noce said...

Uno pensa vacanze...Piacevole momento di rilassamento e divertimento dove stacchi dai problemi quotidiani...Non esageriamo!
Credo che sei piu rilassato adesso che sei tornato alla routine della tua vita in LA!?!...
Comunque spero che verrai a trovarci ancora, questa volta cercheremo tra un inconveniente e l'altro di divertirci di piu', di rilassarci di piu', e di vederci di piu'!!!!?...

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Well I just got the link for your blog on Rune Benniks blog.

This one is another great blog that goes to my favorits.

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