Saturday, September 22, 2007

A New Warrior


Moro Rogers said...

That's an awesome creature.^^

Baro said...

bello, ma mi sembra fin troppo elaborato rispetto al tuo solito stile

Anonymous said...

your drawings never cease to amaze and impress me. i looked at your blog daily when i was trying to figure out how to draw horses at work. once i figure out where my next job is i am ordering your book to be sent there!

Samanta Erdini said...

HE is a great desing for a warrior very good idea... I never think on it XD


Unknown said...

Cool! :D

alberto mielgo said...

Barbaro, could be named.
Dr. Biscotto is fantastic

karim Qabrawi said...

Great work here!
we added your link!......;D