Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bill Peet

Lately I was looking at Bill Peet's unpublished sketches on his web site. Just amazing! His ability to blend his tremendous animal knowledge with tasteful design and entertaining storytelling is for me an incredible source of inspiration.


  1. Awesome work here!I will definitely visit again!

  2. Hi Gabriele,

    I am so pleased to have discovered your blog. I have heard great things about you for years and years, from Paul McQ and Gabe Hordos.

    Beautiful stuff, man. I'll be sure to check back.

  3. my two favorite characters are back! cool shapes on the snake... and super cool hands on the lion.

  4. fantastic drawing! hope to see more of these two friends!
    thanks for link!!!

  5. Like me- I see you're a big fan of the old "eyebrow covering the eyes" drawings!

    keep 'em coming cos they're great!

  6. Hi Gabriele,

    Greetings from freeeeeezing Munich!
    Bill Peet is one of my favorites too, thanks for putting the link to his site on here. Hey, what Museum was the one here in Munich where you saw the Heinrich Kley sketches??? I saw Maurizio in Berlin just before Xmas - he looked well.

    Give my greetings to everyone!


  7. I'm a huge Peet fan! Just bought Wingdingdilly yesterday, now it is finally part of my collection, his animals are really wonderful, and there are some awesome poses of humans in that book. His stories always seem to have a AWWWW-HAA at the end, I've never finished a Peet book without feeling utterly amazed at his storytelling! Good Posts!


  8. G,
    these are awesome man. love the BLOG. and im a HUGE bill peet fan. those comic pages you did down below are sweet!


  9. Il serpente-poltrona รจ eccezionale.

  10. Love it. Great great great.

  11. Exceptional work, as always! Varied shapes and great silhouette!

  12. Thanks everybody for your nice words.

    Martin- I saw your blog. I like what you're trying to do with the human figure.

    Boris- Nico (Nicolas Marlet) is keep telling me that I draw that kind of eyebrows because I have the same. I hope he is not right!

    Greg- The Museum is in Konigsplatz but I can't remember the name. It could be something like "State Graphic Museum".

    Ov- I love your comics too!

  13. Really amazing site this!!!O.O Awesome sketches especially...I'm gonna add u to my watch from now onwards. Please keep on posting,yea? Bill Peet's work really inspires me too!
