Tuesday, January 17, 2006


My very own interpretation of a T-Rex and Pterodactyl.


  1. Your work is great and it's inspiring me to go draw right now, thanx!

  2. you have an amazing blog, i look forward to hitting this place up alot.

  3. love your illo!! What's a coincident I just post new set of dino illos today too!

  4. Absolutely outstanding/inspiring work! I can see the Bill Peet influence in your art.

    The rhinos and lions are exceptionally good....keep up the good work.


  5. Wow.. Amazing amazing work... Damn... Nice drawings!!

  6. Remarkably BEAUTIFUL man. How wonderful.


  7. Gabriele,

    Mike Wieringo pointed out my site to you. He's a fan and now I am. Fantastic work! I wish DreamWorks used your work just as it is with the fun cartoon quality of great old school animation. Bravo! Your comics are good to nice Toth influence. Do you know Scott Wills? He's an old friend who's working at DW.

  8. I like the T-rex and his fat legs, he looks like a friendly rex. I also the long spines coming off of him, something a little different.

  9. the t rex looks so scraggly and innocent. i love the background. damn... you are pretty good. oh yeah, come to my office this afternoon... i have something that you've been waiting for.

  10. Colorazione molto personale, tonalità tenui ma molto "ad effetto". Mi piaciono un sacco le zampe del sozzosauro :)

  11. Katie- You know? You just gave me the best compliment ever.

    Alina- I like your Dinosaurs studies too!

    William- I'm sorry I don't know him. Can you tell me in which department does he work?

    Willie- As Cesar would have said: Veni, Vidi, Vinci!

    Fabio- Quando dici "colorazione molto personale" quello che vuoi dire e' che non ti piace, vero?

    Evocuoco- Se ti puo' interessare, ho disegnato due storie di Dylan Dog che non sono ancora state pubblicate.

  12. well done!!! these designs are cool and the colour too!
    i love dinosaurs....

  13. thanks for the latin lesson. SPQR!!!

  14. your work is very inspiring and has a quality that leads itself to be aniamted right away just beautiful work with a little twist of old and new looking forward to seeing more soon!!!

  15. >Fabio- Quando dici "colorazione molto personale" >quello che vuoi dire e' che non ti piace, vero?

    No, ho pensato solo che probabilmente io non avrei mai scelto un verde-marrone per fare le ombre...e invece funziona bene! :)

  16. Anonymous9:48 PM

    the design is beautirfil.
