Sunday, April 22, 2007



bouss said...

wow amazing work

as usual =)

I love the little minotaur

chris chua said...

NOOOOOO! Gabri, nice to see you are blending your 2D with some digital coloring! Cant wait for the next one:)

kaNO! said...

lovin the art on your blog man.

Unknown said...

I love the movement of your drawing

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!! NOW we're talkin'!! That is an awesome illo! I absolutely LOVE the villainess, and the icy blast effect is wonderful!

sauer said...

I know!!! The ice effect is awesome!! I love the expression the froze on.

patrick mate said...

Thankyou Gabriele,you pull me up.By the way I like very much the conflict of speed between those two character.Cheers from your neighbourg

Andre Barnwell said...

thankyou for keeping a regularly updated blog. your story sketches are long does it normaly take u to do one

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Thanks guys I really appreciate your comment especially because I worked a bit on this one, thanks again.

bouss- I like the minotaur too but wait and see what the woman-creature can do...

chirs chua- In digital I can control better the tones/colors but (maybe because of that) it takes longer to finish the piece.

kanokadafi- Thanks and welcome.

joe jusko- Well, here I am with a new series with the minotaur. You should feel a bit responsible... just kidding, thanks for the input.

guilherme- Thanks and welcome. I love your avatar.

patrick- You're welcome.

andre barnwell- Well it depends, usually between half hour and an hour. The last two posts took me around two hours each.

Jarrett said...

OK, I still have hope for the horned fella. This is a beauty!

Grant said...

Wonderful! I love the effect and energy in his frozen pose. You're doing some great things Gabriele.

I want a book!!! Please!


OUCH! That looks terrific, really like the new girl.

Tom said...

This is super cool. The ice effect is really outstanding.

Mastro Alberto Pagliaro said...

meravigliosa questa sequenza.

Maxi Muñoz said...

Wow....powerful drawing class!

: )

Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Thanks guys.

jarrett- Well, he is in a big trouble, isn't he?

grant alexander- I'm sorry about the book but at the moment it is on hold.

mike thomas- You're going to see more of this character, I promise.

tom- More effects coming...

mastro pagliaro- E' sempre un piacere averti qui.

maxi munoz- Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

willipino said...

great pose on mr. minotaur!

Dapper Dan said...

YOu can always tell a great drawing by if it looks you caught the figures in movement. Excellent flow and posing :) Kudos

Unknown said...

Love the design of the EFX!

Andy said...

Beautifal work.

Bruno Olivieri said...

Wohw, Magico!

Unknown said...

Very good blog! Nice graphic style, nice color. Everything is amazing :)

Michael Mason said...

I love the dynamic balance of this piece..the frozen pose is perfect.