Thursday, January 26, 2006

Gustav Klimt

Marco Regina did a very nice character inspired by Gustav Klimt. With his permission I did my own version of it.
Marco, I hope you like it.


donnachada said...

This is beautiful Gabriele. Love the Quentin Blake post too. Amazing illustrations.

Arri. said...


This is a lovely piece of ART.

professeurcheveux said...


A. Riabovitchev said...

Beautiful.I like Gustav Klimt very much.

orange said...

Beautiful Gabriele...also, love the quentin blake titled one as well.

i am sending you sugesstions for an artist along the same a search for calirezo next time you'r on google..she does a lot of digital work inspired by klimt as well.her work really shows she is traditionally trained..atleast the way she approaches skin painting .I have a feeling you might like cali rezo.

i am quite sure it is


willipino said...


Gabriele Pennacchioli said...

Thanks guys you are all very nice.

Robin- Thanks for the suggestion. I visited her site and I love it! The way that she paint the eyes is so beautiful!
Now, I have a suggestion for you:
Let me know what you think

Unknown said...

Superb Gabriele. simply superb.

MikeS said...

I just recently purchased a couple of books on Klimt. His paintings and drawings are beautiful, but I especially love how he handled the hands!

Beautiful sketch, Gabriele. Beautiful.

Sedyas said...

Greeeeat! Fantastic drawing as always.
Your fan:

Unknown said...

beautiful!! Nice Klimt style!

OV! said...

amazing man. reminds me a bit of russel patterson a bit. sweet!


Todd Kauffman said...

wow that's beautiful man.

Fabio Lai said...

Ottima prova di stile. Penso che comprerò anch'io un album con fogli color salmone. Il bianco con cosa lo fai, comune pastello?

Anonymous said...

sono lusingato, grazie gabriele. ti devo fare veramente i miei complimenti... veramente molto bello. ora vado ad aggiungere il tuo link sul mio blog. a preto e a nuove idee

John S. said...

Wow, this is stunning! Beautiful composition, gesture, espression, it's all there! Damn you're good!

Alexandra Boiger Illustration said...

Uhhh, che bella!! Beautiful! There is a nice book about Gustav Klimt. "The painted Kiss". It is worth reading.
I also LOVE the White Tiger and Black Cat.

mr-dunn* said...

gabriele sir-
got to let you know..when i am drawing away..having a good old think..i imagine your avatar..looking over my shoulder-..then all my shapes begin to behave themselves..hats off to you mr-g*
i love this image--that ol' black marker..
see you-love to all